Georgia Commissioner of Transportation Russell McMurry
ATLANTA – Georgia has begun exploring the potential of deploying a network of hydrogen fueling stations across the state to power commercial vehicles.
The state Department of Transportation issued a Request for Information (RFI) Monday to gather feedback from the private sector on how best to proceed with the development and construction of hydrogen fuel stations.
Hydrogen-powered electric fuel cells are a promising technology for commercial vehicles including large trucks. They could be used for fast recharging of heavy vehicles, enabling goods to be delivered over long travel distances.
While the technology is in the early stages of development in the U.S., it has been deployed successfully in several other countries.
“We at GDOT (the Georgia Department of Transportation} are always seeking opportunities to advance our state through innovation,” state Commissioner of Transportation Russell McMurry said Monday. “With the feedback gathered by the RFI, we will have an opportunity to plan for the future.”
During the RFI process, the department will consider the full range of demand for using hydrogen for transportation purposes, including potential locations for hydrogen fueling stations. Areas adjacent to the ports of Savannah and Brunswick will receive primary consideration.
The RFI will remain open for 30 days. Interested parties should respond by email to ContractsOGC@dot.ga.gov.