ATLANTA – Georgia launched a marketing campaign Friday to spread the word about the upcoming 2020 U.S. Census.
The campaign – Every. One. Counts. – is aimed at generating strong public participation in the population count, conducted every 10 years to determine how federal funds are distributed among the states. Census results also will be used to redraw Georgia’s congressional and legislative district boundaries.
“Every. One. Counts. is committed to ensuring that every Georgian is heard – and counted – in the 2020 Census,” Gov. Brian Kemp said. “The campaign will work closely with census-focused organizations at the state, local and federal levels to ensure Georgia is best prepared for the next decade.”
For the first time this year, the census will be conducted primarily online through a secure Census Questionnaire. However, hard-copy versions still will be available for submission via telephone and mail.
Under an estimated timeline released by the governor’s office, Georgia households will begin receiving invitations to complete the questionnaire between March 12 and March 20. Those will be followed up with reminder postcards and letters.
If the household has not responded after April 27, the U.S. Census Bureau will send workers door to door to collect responses.
Kemp is encouraging Georgians to learn more about the process by clicking on www.census.georgia.gov.